Unemployment benefit calculator

This calculator will help you find out how long and what amount a person can receive as unemployed.
Just specify gross salary and work experience, or another conditions.

Unemployed data


Benefit Calculation Result

Total 1998.00 EUR
Benefit size 370.00 EUR
1st month 100% 370.00 EUR
2nd month 100% 370.00 EUR
3rd month 75% 277.50 EUR
4th month 75% 277.50 EUR
5th month 50% 185.00 EUR
6th month 50% 185.00 EUR
7th month 45% 166.50 EUR
8th month 45% 166.50 EUR

Please do not use this data for real benefit calculations.

Last changes:


The duration of unemployment benefit payments is 8 months within a 12-month period from the date the benefit is granted.

Gross average monthly income refers to the average income before taxes for a 12-month period ending 2 months prior to the granting of unemployment status.
Excluding earnings received during parental leave, maternity leave, or unpaid leave related to childcare needs, as well as downtime benefits, assistance benefits for downtime, parental benefit extensions, sickness assistance benefits, or support for employees on downtime, self-employed persons, and patent fee payers.

The calculation excludes the two months with the lowest and highest incomes.

Work experience refers to the experience at the time of granting unemployment status.

The average daily insurance salary must not exceed 1/365 of the annual maximum amount of mandatory social insurance contributions (VSA).

If during the 12-month period used to calculate the average insurance contribution salary, you were on parental leave, unpaid leave related to childcare needs (applies to adoptive parents, guardians, foster parents, and other individuals who actually care for and raise a child), or maternity leave, and the employer was not required to make contributions during this period, then the average insurance contribution salary is calculated for the 12 months prior to this period, "shifting" to the last registered salary by the employer.

The annual maximum amount of mandatory social insurance contributions (VSA):

  • in 2018 — €55,000,
  • in 2019–2021 — €62,800,
  • in 2022–2024 — €78,100,
  • in 2025 — €105,300.

The benefit can be received by a person who:

  • has been granted unemployment status;
  • has a total insurance (work) record of at least 1 year;
  • has made or was required to make mandatory unemployment social insurance contributions in the Republic of Latvia for at least 12 months within 16 months prior to the date of receiving unemployment status.

Benefit Calculation

The amount of the benefit is determined based on the total insurance record.

Insurance record:

  • 1–9 years — 50% of the average salary used for contributions;
  • 10–19 years — 55% of the average salary used for contributions;
  • 20–29 years — 60% of the average salary used for contributions;
  • 30 years or more — 65% of the average salary used for contributions.

Additional information on unemployment status and benefits can be obtained from the State Employment Agency and the State Social Insurance Agency.

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