Vacation money calculator
Information about holidays and working days you can find on kalendā
Average earnings calculation
Vacation is 4 calendar weeks per year, it is 28 calendar days, or 20 working days, excluding holidays.
Daily average earnings per working day =
- normal working time: the amount of earnings for the last 6 months (before vacation start month) divided by the number of days worked;
- accumulated working time: average hourly earnings multiplied by the average number of hours worked per working day, which is calculated, the number of hours worked for the last 6 months (before the month of the start of the vacation) divided by the number of calendar working days for the last 6 months (before the month of the start of the vacation).
Earnings are wages, bonuses, additional payments, what is provided for in the Labor Law.
The number of days worked does not include passing days of incapacity for work, vacation days and days when work was not performed in accordance with paragraph 74 of the Labor Law.