Check your sound and microphone

Use this tool to test the sound and microphone on your device.

Check your sound

Check your microphone

Information about sound and microphone testing

We often encounter issues where a computer, phone, or tablet does not produce sound, or when others cannot hear us. The problem may be due to device settings, drivers, or a technical malfunction of the device itself. This tool was created to quickly test speakers or headphones and the microphone.

The tool consists of two parts:

  1. Listening to a melody. You simply press the Play button and listen to the melody. The melody has a visual representation. If you see that the melody is playing visually but you cannot hear it, then there is a problem.
  2. Microphone testing. You simply press the [Start Recording] button and speak or sing into the microphone. During recording, there should be a visual representation reacting to the sound intensity. If there is no visual representation, there is likely an issue with recording. Then, press the [Stop Recording] button. Below, there is a playback control where the recording will be transferred immediately after stopping. When playing back, if you see that is visually working but you cannot hear the recording, then there is a problem.

It is safe! Our website does not transmit the recording to our servers; everything happens in your browser. This ensures the privacy of our users.