Salary calculator
This salary calculator helps you to get a net salary from gross salary and vice versa using SRS data in Latvia.
Available years: 2022 - 2025.
Calculation result
Net salary (take-home) | 1330.24 EUR | |
Social tax | 10.5% | 189.00 EUR |
Non-taxable minimum | 510 EUR | |
Personal income tax | 25.5% | 280.76 EUR |
Social tax, employer's part | 23.59% | 424.62 EUR |
Business risk fee | 0.36 EUR | |
Total employer's expenses | 2224.98 EUR |
Salary and Non-taxable minimum (differentiated till 31.12.2024)
Till 31.12.2024 in the field "non-Taxable minimum" is specified "0", because now it is not a fixed data, you have to specify this minimum in accordance with the data of the SRS or taxpayer's predicted minimum.
From 01.01.2025 non-taxable minimum is €6120 yearly or €510 monthly.
From 01.01.2025, working pensioners with pension till €1000 monthly, if the tax booklet is submitted to the employer, are entitled to a tax-free minimum of €500 per month to employer and €500 to VSAA.
The maximum non-taxable minimum per year is:
- In 2023/2024 — €6000 (€500 monthly);
- In 2022 — €5100:
- 01/01-30/06 — €2100,
- 01/07-31/12 — €3000;
- In 2020-2021 — €3600.
The non-taxable minimum is €0:
- In 2021-2024 — if the annual taxable income is more than €21600, for example, the salary is €1801 per month.
Salary and Progressive monthly income tax rate
The rate 25,5% from 01.01.2025
The rate of 20% on monthly income is up to €1667 (till 31.12.2024).
The rate of 23% on the part of the monthly income after €1667 (till 31.12.2024).
Salary and Progressive annual income tax rate
From 01.01.2025 the rate 25,5% on annual income up to €105300 and the rate 33% on annual income exceeding €105300.
A 33% personal income tax (IIN) rate is applied in a summarized manner when submitting the annual income tax return.
In 2025, an additional tax rate of 3% will apply to incomes exceeding €200000 per year.
Till 31.12.2024 the rate of 20% on annual income up to €20004.
In 2022-2024 the rate of 23% on the part of annual income exceeding €20004 and up to €78100.
In 2021 the rate of 23% on the part of annual income exceeding €20004 and up to €62800.
In 2022-2024 the rate of 31% on the annual income exceeding €78100 when filing the annual Declaration.
In 2021 the rate of 31% on the annual income exceeding €62800 when filing the annual Declaration.
Minimum wage/salary
The minimum wage within the normal working time is:
- In 2025 is €740 per month;
- In 2024 is €700 per month;
- In 2023 is €620 per month;
- In 2021/2022 is €500 per month.
The minimum wage is defined in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 656.
From January 1, 2024, micro-enterprise tax payers who simultaneously receive income subject to personal income tax will receive a non-taxable minimum and benefits for dependents.
Thanks to everyone who helps to improve this salary calculator!